Featured Product:
Give a Sit is a huge advocate for canine enrichment and puzzle toys are a fabulous way to enrich a dog’s life. It builds a dog’s confidence and problem-solving skills while working that powerful nose. What makes Pawzlers puzzle toys so unique is each puzzle set is composed of detachable mini puzzles that can be rearranged so you never have the same puzzle twice! Not only can you get sets designed for your dog’s particular skill set but you can also purchase pieces individually to make a completely custom puzzle for your unique dog. With new puzzles being added, Pawzlers is on a mission to make each puzzle experience new and exciting.
Products Give A Sit trainers use and recommend during class. Click the photo and you’ll be directed to where you can buy the product.
Y Front Harness
Training Leash
Stain & Odor Remover
Dog Back Pack
Beef Liver Training Treats
Delicious & Nutritious Dog Treats
CBD Supplement Treats
Outward Hound Puzzle Feeders
Scuffle Mat Bowl
Large Scuffle Mat
JW Houl-ee ball
Flirt Pole Outward Hound
Un-cooked Deer Antler for dogs with healthy teeth
Treat Pouch (the one Elle uses)
Kong Wobbler
Lick Mats for Crate
Lick Mats
Basket Muzzle
Pet Safe dog spray
(NEVER to be used as a training tool)
Tug-N-Nuf The best hand held Tug and Case toys
Safety Attachment
Learn What Your Dog is Saying with Elle’s Favorite easy to understand Book by Lili Chin
Kong Wubba Tug Toy
Nail Filing Box
Electric Nail Filing Dremel